Sunday, May 11, 2008

Final Paper, Final Post

Well here it is the final paper, enjoy.

Daniel Killilea
New Media 102B
Funny Garbage

Funny Garbage is one of the most prestigious web design and interactive entertainment companies since it started in 1996. Even while the web was still growing Funny Garbage was working on demos for major online companies like America online and Compaq. They created the website for Cartoon Network, which was one of the most successful online networks. They were also well known for creating many games that are extremely popular. In the early 2000’s they started working on more established media projects, like the show “Crank Yankers”, where they produced most of the visual design. Today they are producing designs for huge companies like Disney and MTV.

At this point Funny Garbage is working on all different aspects of the interactive entertainment business. One of their biggest entities is web design, not only did they change how a website could look like and work they could be one of the companies that was responsible for the web revolution. The visual aspects of their designs are very fresh, clean, and always playful. One of the reasons they are desired by many big companies is their ability to grab the attention of not only the younger generation but almost everyone can appreciate their dignified look. They have also established some of the best multimedia platforms you could imagine, the “N” networks website, which they designed has a great community board where your avatar can hang out at the virtual high school with all of your friends.

Some of the geniuses behind Funny Garbage of some of the most honored members of the web design community. The co-founders of this company, John Carlin and Peter Girardi, have astonishing resumes and awards that it makes sense that their company is at the top of the chain. John Carlin curated “Masters of American Comics” which showed the art of comics and graphic novels in one of the first major museum exhibitions. It’s not hard to understand why a lot of their designs have an ancestry of comics. Peter Girardi was the youngest person ever to be awarded with the prominent Daimler-Chrysler award for design because of the advances he mad in interactive media.

I’m very impressed by Funny Garbage’s approach to design and how they’re able to translate so beautifully the importance of it in our world today. I think back to when we got our first computer in our home and how the Internet was such a weird concept. Even still web design was so generic that I’m not sure you could even call it any kind of art. What a great achievements Funny Garbage was able to make and are still making, after reviewing them I’m intrigued to see where web and multi media design are headed, I’m sure only up.

Works Cited:

Thursday, May 8, 2008

You Put Em Up, I'll Knock Em Down

Finsihed....I hit some rough spots with the slicing but I've finished the website and everything works so I'm pumped. I'm not sure what I did but after countless slicing tries it finally worked and I almost pissed myslef. At this point the only thing I have to do is finish up the paper and we can call this game.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Save me Mari

Today I spent pretty much the entire class trying to figure this slicing ordeal and not only that I had Mari come over and see if she could solve the problem. It was nice to know that it wasn’t just me being an idiot not solving the problem, Mari spent about twenty minutes with me trying to figure it out and we had no luck. At this point I’m slightly buggin out because we only have one class left and if I can’t solve this then I don’t know what I’m gonna do, start prayin.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Things are looking up

I bear good news, I finally finished my banner ad with everything looking pretty good and I’ve also found a movie that I think will fit in well with the screenager crowd because it talks about the future of food and how it will affect us. The only issue I really have at this point is getting the slices to work, I gotta be honest with you, I’ve been leaving it on the back-burner because I’m done dealing with it but hopefully I’ll be able to figure this thing out by the end of the week. Peace and God bless.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Animation Creation

So I’ve just finished my animated gif, which is an apple being eaten, it’s very simple and I’m pleased with the turn out. I was originally going to have a green apple transform into a red apple but after working with it for a little bit I realized I was spending too much time on something that should be simple anyway. Plus with the semester getting closer to the end I feel like the simpler the better.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Leo Bonanni Paper

Smart Objects - Smart Spaces

The main point in Leo’s presentation was ubiquitous computing which is the future of the computer, or rather the deconstruction of the computer because computer will no longer be needed. On of the coolest things that I thought Leo talked about was how everything that we’ll use in the future will be “smart”. A couple examples that I thought were really awesome were the umbrella that’s handle glowed blue when its going to rain that day also the I/O brush that could take a picture of anything and then paint it onto a specified surface. He broke down computing into four categories tangible interface, ambient displays, augmented reality, and wearable computers.

Ambient displays refer to how computers will be all around us. Devices will have things that they are specifically designed to do; the umbrella and the brush mentioned earlier are good examples. There were also some other really cool things too; one being a music bottle which when opened would play a specific kind of music like jazz. Another really cool thing was the Microsoft surface, which is a coffee table that is a computer screen, and you were able to share music and pictures just by placing your camera or mp3 player on the surface. The screen shows your play lists right on the table and it’s amazing that my kids may be using this device.

Augmented reality is changing the outlook on what we perceive to be reality. An example that Leo mentioned was the human pacman, which was a guy who designed a program so, you could walk through life in a pacman game. He made a helmet backpack that held the software and he would walk around the city eating the dots and running away fro ghosts. There were also these things called electronic tags, which could be placed anywhere and with the use of a smart camera would display messages that were left behind.

Wearable technology is changing how we live our lives on the go, look at how cell phones have changed the way we communicate with each other. Now things are in motion that could get rid of cell phones altogether and replace them with earring or shirt button phones. Other technologies like the ipod Nike are changing the way we work out, even fashion shows are mixing technology and clothing to change the way we dress.

Overall I thought it was a really insightful and was amazed at where technology is headed and I’m excited to hopefully use some of these products.

Monday, March 31, 2008


Milan Preview 2008: Japan Design

After looking around the Core77 design blog I was amazed at all the innovative designs that were shown, but I really liked the post about the 2008 Japanese design. Its always fun to see things you use in everyday life that look completely crazy yet are still very practical like the NEOREST AH, designed by Yasushi Takahashi, which is an environmentally friendly toilet seat that uses less then half of the water supply a standard toilet does. Not only is it sleek in design it has cool little features like a heated seat and a warm-air drying system that washes and dries you bum. The top 15 industrial design companies in Japan came together to show off their knowledge about design, cultural awareness, and the use of high technology. Some really cool stuff to look forward to in the future.

Posted on March 31, 2008