Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Seth's Blog

"Do you have" vs. "Do you want"
Posted by: Seth

In this post Seth discusses how a Borders that cut their inventory by 10% and faced books out instead of showing the spines were able to increase profit. He talks about how this strategy is productive but under certain restraints. By decreasing the amount of books they run the risk of losing business but instead of facing the question “do you have?” they’re asking, “do you want?”

I think this approach to selling products is effective but needs to be monitored carefully, especially in stores. I think by facing books out is a more effective way of selling books because as a designer I appreciate the cover art. Also instead of organizing books in alphabetical order you can arrange them for the buyer.

The Needle in a Haystack Problem
Posted By Seth Godin

I really agree with what Seth’s saying in this post, even though we have access to a lot of answers thanks to search engines like google but what about a problem that is hard to type explain or more complicated then one line of text. How do you find the answer to a problem that’s exclusively yours like not receiving e-mails once in a while or sending e-mails you haven’t written? Seth also makes a good point by saying he may have more luck solving his problem because he has a blog but what about the people that don’t? Even though there is no real answer to this problem it is worth mentioning.

Posted on March 13, 2008

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